1995 | Company establisment in April 25th, 1995 at Jababeka Industrial Estate Cikarang. |
1996 - 2000 | Product capability are cutting steel parts for heavy equipment components First Certification ISO 9001:1994 Quality Management System in June 21st, 2000 |
2001 - 2005 | Product capability are small fabricated components for Hydraulic excavator 10-20 Ton class i.e, inshoe, iddler, deck, mainbeam, arm, bucket. |
2006 - 2010 | Product capability are medium fabricated components for Hydraulic excavator 10-40 Ton class i.e, inshoe, iddler, deck, mainbeam, arm, bucket. Bulldozer fabricated component i.e, track guard, engine support. Dump truck body components for articulate dump truck 40 MT class, and rigid dump truck 60 MT class. First Certification ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System in year 2008 Extended third factory building in year 2006, become total building area 28,000 m2 in Cikarang plant. Extended fourth factory building in year 2009, become total building area 37,385 m2 in Cikarang plant. |
2011 - 2015 | Product capability are big fabricated components for Hydraulic Excavator 10-120 Ton class. Dump truck body components for rigid dump truck 40 - 240 MT class. Extended plant in year 2011 at MM2100 Industrial Estate Cibitung, total site area 40,880 m2 and building accupation area 37,000 m2 |
2016 - Now | Product capability are big fabricated components for Hydraulic Excavator 10-360 Ton class i.e, crawler, deck, mainbeam, arm, and buckets. Expansion product for Construction and Machinery components i.e, Crane girder box, LP Steam Turbin box. First Integrated Certification ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) and 14001:2015 (EMS) in year 2017. |